Astrophysics, Data Science, and other cool stuff

by Dan Gole

Project maintained by dgole Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Professional Info


If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to message me on Linkedin or send me an email at


PhD Thesis (2019): Magnetic Fields and Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks

Published Papers

Turbulence Regulates the Rate of Planetesimal Formation via Gravitational Collapse (2020)
The Nature of Turbulence in the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks (2018)
Turbulence, Transport, and Waves in Ohmic Dead Zones (2016)
Substructure in Bulk Velocities of Milky Way Disk Stars (2014)


Talk (just slides): Star and Planet Fromation in the Southwest 2 (2018)
Talk: Kavli Institute Disks Meeting (2017)
Poster Abstract: The LAMOST Pilot Survey: Metallicities, Velocities, and Proper Motions (2013)
Poster Abstract: Wiyn Open Cluster Study: UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 581 (2012)

Research Codes

Analyzing Athena and PLAN Output
Self Consistent Time Evolution of the Surface Density and Net Magnetic Flux in a Disk


Resources for teaching undergraduate astrobiology: The Search For Life in the Universe

Other Projects

Fun Coding Projects

Audio-Reactive LED Lights
Outliers and Clusters in the NBA

Tools for Games

N-Way Chess Clock
Settlers of Catan Die Roll Tracker

Music Stuff

Acappella Arrangements